Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amazing Relation Corelation

Read this you will undestand the theory of corelation how its works and wat are the usage of that theory
once a boss ask his secratory book two ticket for london.
secretery immidietly calls up her husband i tells her i have to go to a business trip for few days.
Husband calls her girlfriend that my wife is going out you can come to my home.
Girlfriend calls boy i says that she has some personal work for few days so he will have holidays.
Boy asks his father that he has holidays in tuition so lets go for a picnic.
Father (Boss) calls secretery cancel the tickets.
Secretery Calls her Husband that she is not going out.
Husband calls his Girlfriend that she can not come as her wife is not going out.
Girlfriend calls the boy that his tuition will be as it is.
Boy tell his father that no picnic as tuition teacher is back.
Boss Calls sectretery n says book the ticket................and the story again continues from the begining

Moral:Corelation continues it does not have any end.........

Conversation between a Boy and his MOM

amazing conversation
just go through it
Once upon a time

Boy: Mom, i dont want to go to school.
Mom: Why????
Boy: i Just dont wanna go !!!!
Mom: One should always go to school
Can you give two good reasons why you should not go to school.
Boy : 1. All boys tease me &
2. All teacher does not respect me n they avoid me
Mom: So What !!!!!
Boy: Mom, Now You give two good reasons why should i go to school.
Mom: Look, 1. You are not a kid now you are 50years old now & 2. You are the principal of school also so you should always go to school...........

this conversation reminds me of our honorable prime minister Manmohan singh and Soniya Gandhi

any comments?!??!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Zoozooo= New Concept for Ads

Do you find Zoozoo familiar? You might have seen them on television while watching IPL matches. Zoozoo is an innovative character launched by the mobile company Vodafone to promote its value added services. These are neither animated nor graphically developed, but is a group of girls from South Africa who are performing this in their specially designed costumes.

This is a completely new concept of advertising which does not include any of the celebrities to promote a product. All these ads are of duration ranging 20-30 seconds and being shown during IPL matches on Sony Max channel.. Vodafone spent INR 30 million (3 crores) to make these ads. They are coming up with 30 different ads to promote various value added services; of these 15 are already aired and remaining 15 are being made.