Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Key to Relationships

Awesome Read!!

Relationships can either take the form of strength or weakness depending on the mind. If the mind is strong then relationships can be like a gift to us, but if the mind is weak and not in control, then relationships can feel like bondage.

How would you like to see yourself - happy and bubbling with enthusiasm or dull and difficult to please?
Often you like to be pleased, appeased and cajoled. So you put up a tough, upset face and act difficult to please. If a person has to appease and please ten people all the time, it will be so tiring. People who keep a long face and expect others to cajole and appease them make others run away.

Lovers often do this. They expend a lot of energy in cajoling and this brings down the joy and celebration of the moment. It is okay for you to show your upset mood or tendency once in a while, but doing it over and over again is taxing for you and the people you love.

If you feel low, appease and please yourself. Your need to be appeased by someone else is the sign of grossness. This is the root of ignorance. If you want attention, all you get is tension.

There is a secret about relationships. Women should never make their husband feel small.

If you tell your husband, ‘You are like a vegetable, good for nothing. You are a lazy goose!’ his self esteem goes down and he really becomes good for nothing. However, hopeless or weak he is, you should always tell him that he is the best. You should pump his ego.

The whole world may say that he has no brains, but you should not say that. As a spouse you should say, ‘You have the best brains in the world.

Just because you don’t use it, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have any.’ In the same way, men should never pour cold water on women’s emotions. For women, emotional bonding is very important.
You should never complain about her parents, her father or her mother or sisters or brothers. If she herself complains, you keep quiet, don’t say anything.

If you oppose her parents, you will be in trouble and if you side with them, she will feel left out. Either way you are in trouble, so keep quiet. Simply move away from there or change the topic.

If in the relationship, both come from a sense of giving then there will be no problem. But if both want to take, there will be fights for sure. ‘I am here to contribute, what I can do for you?’ - your relationship will last longer with this attitude.

Similarly, don’t be feverish about a relationship, just relax and you will find your relationship with people will improve and become better. If you are like a leech, clinging on to somebody and bugging them, even though you say all nice words, that person will run away from you because they can’t handle it. One aspect is to give love, and another is to know how to handle love, receive love as well.

It needs only a centered, enlightened person. You have to be very much at ease with yourself. If you are at ease with yourself, everyone will be at ease with you.

Just be yourself. Be natural and simple. Relationships develop naturally. If you try to build a relationship that is when you become a little artificial and unnatural.

You like someone to be very honest, open, natural, unassuming with you. That is exactly what others also want from you. If you are a boss, what type of assistants or subordinates would you like? Someone who is open. And that is also what your boss wants. Don’t try hard to impress your boss, or impress your girlfriend or boyfriend. That is when everything goes wrong.

The best is to be yourself, natural, to be forgiving and to be in the present moment. It makes a big difference.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Amplify Your Productivity on Windows Using Mouse Gestures

While working on Windows there are several ways by which you can increase your productivity, like using keyboard shortcuts, having dual monitor setup for more screen real estate or using autohotkey scripts to automate the repetitive tasks. Using mouse gestures is yet another way by which you can increase your productivity, though may not be as fast as keyboard shortcuts.

Mouse gestures has been around here for quite some time now, however Windows still doesn’t support mouse gestures out of the box like Mac OS X Lion coupled with Apple’s trackpad or mighty mouse to quickly perform gestures. But that doesn’t mean you cannot have mouse gestures on Windows. Thanks to StrokesPlus free desktop app, not only you can have predefined gestures but also create your own new gestures and quickly automate and perform different actions.

StrokesPlus is a mouse gesture recognition program that allows you to automate repetitive tasks by simply drawing a gesture with your mouse or performing mouse and/or keyboard modifiers to fire off an action sequence. StrokesPlus not only supports your traditional three button mouse but also keyboard keys such as control, alt key.

After you download and install StrokesPlus, you can access different options from StrokesPlus system tray icon. Right click on StrokesPlus icon and quickly enable/ disable features or open preferences menu to access advance and experimental options.

Using training mode you can train StrokesPlus to recognize your gestures, it is also helpful when you want to add your own gestures and want to test it how it’s working. While adding new gestures action you can either use existing set of gestures or create new gesture by drawing pattern on small window provided by StrokesPlus.
There may be circumstances like playing games where there is high probability that you might accidentally hit mouse gestures, in order to prevent that from happening; you can add those applications to Ignored Windows list, there by disabling mouse gestures specific to those applications.

For nerds and geeks, StrokesPlus uses Lua scripts and if you have programming skills then you may create your own custom & complex scripts to take Mouse gestures to next level.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bye Bye Google Reader

Google announced that, they are going to shut down their RSS service Google Reader on July 1st, 2013. It was introduced by Google in 2005 and one of the best RSS readers available on the web. Google has mentioned in their blog that, the usage of Google Reader has reduced tremendously so we have planned to shut down the service in July. People who subscribe to other blogs using Google Reader can export their data using the Google Takeout. This is a big disappointment for many readers all over the web

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mobile - the best friend

As I sat in the back of a taxi rushing from one appointment to another this week… quick to check my phone for messages as soon as I jumped in the cab, the taxi driver asked “And how’s your day going?” I stopped and chatted and found out what he thought of the troubles with the state of the nation. The taxi driver lamented that most people were to busy on their mobile phones to chat any more. As I said goodbye and thanked the cab driver– I noted how great it was to have a chat and hear someone else’s point of view.
It made me wonder “what do I miss out on because I am often not ‘present’ as I focus on what my Phone presents to me. Perhaps it is pretty lonely being a cab driver now – if customers no longer interested in 'Baatchit’.
When a plane touches down – many simultaneous ‘ding dings’ chime out demanding the attention of their owner. Most business people seem completely addicted to their phones.
A friend of mine recently lamented that he had been unreachable because he was in an all day meeting – and the response when he did come ‘back to the grid’ was: "Is something wrong with your phone?". People seem to have a high expectation that if they send a message, the response will be instantaneous.
I note that I was off air for two days this week – no email, phone, sms or internet. And whilst I had quite a back log of emails and messages on my return – I was highly efficient at getting back to people because I was completely focused on that task in that hour.
Is all this ‘immediate’ communication really giving us the opportunity to do good work? How many emails or text messages are dashed off in haste only to be misunderstood or incomplete? Are we being truly present?
As the taxi went passed the bus stop, I noticed that most of the people waiting were all inspecting their mobile phones – not even noticing the existence of the other human beings around them.
In all this urgency to connect – are we not ‘seeing’ those around us? People who provide us services or who are part of our community.
I am often asked: "how do you juggle all the different responsibilities that you have?" My answer is be simply truly ‘present' – turn off your mobile phone and be with whoever you are with… does this same courtesy extend to those beyond business colleagues, family and friends.